EMF Protection: An Important Feng Shui Cure


In ancient China, life was very different from how we experience it today. In that world, nothing was seen as existing as a separate entity or object—all was seen as part of the whole.  Everything was connected, so harmony among all the elements was of utmost importance.

Feng Shui, a system developed during these times with this understanding of life, was designed to help people create natural energetic harmony in their environments. And for many centuries, it has provided effective principles in how to do this.

Feng Shui in Today’s World

However today, especially in the West, we live with a very different worldview: we are taught that we are all separate beings, and that everything around us—including all of nature and all the manmade objects in our world—are separate objects unconnected to us or to each other.

With this worldview, many things have been invented, produced and implemented in our world without any attention to the disruption of the natural harmony and balance they may cause. One of these things was bringing both electrical power and wireless technology into our homes. 

The technological revolution, as beneficial as it is in many ways, has disrupted the natural energetic balance in our environment—and, as a result, both our health and our sense of comfort and beauty in our lives have suffered.

 EMFs Hinder True Feng Shui Harmony

What Feng Shui practitioners often miss today is the fact that we now have certain elements in our environment that didn’t exist in the past that are interrupting the flow of natural energy: a multitude of appliances, WiFi, computers, cell phones, and other wireless devices in our homes.

All of these devices emit harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Many studies have correlated EMF exposure not only with numerous ill health effects—such as headaches, brain-fog, digestive disorders and insomnia—but also with serious diseases.

It’s clear that energies that cause these kinds of things can’t be contributing to clear and harmonious energies in our homes!

Of course, Feng Shui principles still apply in today’s world. But, unless EMFs are taken into account, the usual Feng Shui cures are often not enough to create energy that is truly clear and harmonious.

  The Missing Feng Shui Cure: EMF Protection

Fortunately, you don’t need to get rid of your appliances or wireless devices to create Feng Shui harmony. You just need to be protected from the EMFs they emit.

The EarthCalm Home EMF Protection System provides this protection.

You simply plug it into any electrical socket in your home, and it protects you in every room from the harmful effects of EMFs.   

Feel the Difference!

Some energetically-sensitive people feel the difference with EMF protection immediately. They experience a new sense of clarity and stillness in the energy of the room that allows their whole body to relax. It’s as if they can suddenly breathe more deeply.

Others realize over time that they simply feel better since it was plugged in. Ill health symptoms disappear. They feel more mentally alert and less fatigued. Meditators report they can relax more deeply and concentrate better.





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